Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Story of Blackbird and Snake #cure

On a rainy afternoon a blackbird and a snake were sitting under the roof of the porch. It was already raining for hours. A porch like this one:

Blackbird (B): I love rain.
Snake (S): Why?
B: Because after rain there will be plenty of earthworms to eat for me.
S: Why do earthworms come to the surface when it's raining?
B: No idea but I love to eat them.
S: I prefer sun over rain.
B: Why?
S: I don't know how my body works but I only get enough life in every corner of my body when I recieve a couple of hours hot sun every day.
B: Every day?
S: Yes, every day!

B: I read a sign a couple of weeks ago.
S: What did you read on the sign?
B: "Fascism is cured by reading and racism is cured by traveling."
S: I love to read about the ancient egyptians, greeks and romans. About castles, knights and farmers. And I would love to know more about China and learn to write their language.
B: Really? But all that happened so long ago. A time before our grandparents were born. What a bowl of dust!
S: Dust is something you can clean. I guess I like it above all because it has a mirroring effect on me. It makes me humble. It makes me realize I am a part of a long chain of snakes. There were snakes before me and there will be snakes after me.
B: I get that same feeling when I fly. There are so many trees, valleys, pastures and woods I can fly to. The colors and views are everywhere different. It even seems to me that the clouds are different everywhere. Their colors too. And everywhere there are other blackbirds. At first they are always a bit cautious but when I tell them how much I like their piece of heaven they allow me to stay there for a while. There is always enough to eat.
S: Can you talk to other blackbirds living in other places? Is their language not different?
B: Yes and no. At first the communication is rusty but if we take the time both to adjust there is always something to eat and a place to sleep. And things to look and smell at. Blackbirds are everywhere the same.

The rain stopped suddenly. Fat clouds and lots of sunrays. The blackbird ate as many earthworms as he could. The snake moved to the big stone in the front of the porch. Slowly he felt the life giving sun reaching every corner of his body.

The eyes of the blackbird and snake met. Both realizing: rain or sun we need them both. And the clouds? They past over slowly. Moving light. Moving colors.

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