Wednesday, February 29, 2012
World according to Netherlands. 2012 edition
Let's for once skip the polite and well balanced opinions. What are the Dutch stereotypes of how they look at the world around them? Don't be alarmed :)
Aren't they lovely Alphadesigner's Maps of Stereotypes? Shocking but they seem so true to me!
Our Stereotypes:
Did I miss something? What are the stereotypes your country places on other countries?
P.S. I took as baseline the United Nations' Member State List
Aren't they lovely Alphadesigner's Maps of Stereotypes? Shocking but they seem so true to me!
Our Stereotypes:
Member state United Nations | World according to The Netherlands. 2012 edition |
Jordan | Actual Palestine |
Lebanon | Always Fighting |
Costa Rica | Ananas. Somewhere in South America |
Syrian Arab Republic | Assad Kills his People |
Poland | Auswitz. Behind Iron Curtain |
Switzerland | Banks & Skiing |
Bahamas | Beach. No idea where on map |
Belgium | Belgium Frites |
Germany | Big Brother |
India | Big Country & Many People |
Suriname | Bouterse. Glad we Lost This Country |
Turkey | Cheap Beaches. Human Rights Violations |
Pakistan | Cheaters |
Japan | Copy and Paste |
Maldives | Diving. No idea where on map |
Colombia | Drugs |
Haiti | Earthquake |
Bangladesh | Famine. No idea where on map |
Spain | FC Barcelona & Beach |
Cuba | Fidel Castro & Cigars |
Netherlands | Gateway to Europe |
Armenia | Genocide. No idea where on map |
Iceland | Geysers |
Monaco | Glitter and Glamour |
Greece | Good money is turned into bad money by Lazy and Corrupt Greeks |
Czech Republic | Havel. Behind Iron Curtain |
Nepal | Himalaya. No idea where on map |
France | Holiday |
Morocco | Homeland of Moroccans |
Cyprus | Independent Country? |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Islam Extremists |
Israel | Jews |
Chile | Junta |
Australia | Kangaroos & Aboriginals |
Libya | Khadaffi Country |
Mongolia | Kind of China |
New Zealand | Kiwis :) but no idea what that means |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Korea, North. Pathetic |
Republic of Korea | Korea, South. Pathetic too but Free |
Papua New Guinea | Little Man |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | London & Lovely Scots |
Indonesia | Lost Country. Those Good Old Days |
Argentina | Maxima Country |
Saudi Arabia | More Oil |
Denmark | Nobel Price & Vikings. Finland: unkown |
Finland | Nobel Price & Vikings. Finland: unkown |
Norway | Nobel Price & Vikings. Finland: unkown |
Sweden | Nobel Price & Vikings. Finland: unkown |
Kuwait | Oil |
United Arab Emirates | Oil |
South Africa | Once Our Country |
Cambodia | Once War |
Viet Nam | Once War & Rice Fields |
Egypt | Piramides |
Italy | Pizza & Mafia |
Portugal | Port & Fado |
Ethiopia | Poverty. No idea where in Africa |
Somalia | Poverty. No idea where in Africa |
Ireland | Rain |
Jamaica | Reaggea. No idea where on map |
Brazil | Rio: Beach & Carnaval. Vanishing Forests |
Iraq | Saddam country |
Thailand | Sex almost for Free |
Philippines | Sex almost for Free |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Shame of Srebrenica |
Austria | Skiing |
Luxembourg | Small |
United States of America | Super Power |
Liechtenstein | Tax Evasion. No idea where on map |
Mexico | Transit Country for Drugs to USA |
Russian Federation | Unreliable Reds |
China | Upcoming Superpower |
Canada | USA but Different |
Afghanistan | War |
Bulgaria | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Croatia | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Georgia | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Hungary | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Romania | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Serbia | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Albania | Unkown. Behind Iron Curtain |
Congo | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Côte d'Ivoire | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Ghana | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Namibia | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Nigeria | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Senegal | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Zimbabwe | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Cameroon | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Algeria | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Angola | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Kenya | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Mozambique | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Rwanda | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Swaziland | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
United Republic of Tanzania | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Tunisia | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Uganda | Unkown. Somewhere in Africa |
Bolivia | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
El Salvador | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Panama | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Paraguay | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Peru | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Dominican Republic | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Honduras | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Nicaragua | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
Uruguay | Unkown. Somewhere in South America |
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | Unkown |
Barbados | Unkown |
Andorra | Unkown |
Antigua and Barbuda | Unkown |
Azerbaijan | Unkown |
Bahrain | Unkown |
Belarus | Unkown |
Belize | Unkown |
Benin | Unkown |
Bhutan | Unkown |
Botswana | Unkown |
Brunei Darussalam | Unkown |
Burkina Faso | Unkown |
Burundi | Unkown |
Cape Verde | Unkown |
Central African Republic | Unkown |
Chad | Unkown |
Comoros | Unkown |
Djibouti | Unkown |
Dominica | Unkown |
Ecuador | Unkown |
Equatorial Guinea | Unkown |
Eritrea | Unkown |
Estonia | Unkown |
Fiji | Unkown |
Gabon | Unkown |
Gambia | Unkown |
Grenada | Unkown |
Guatemala | Unkown |
Guinea | Unkown |
Guinea-Bissau | Unkown |
Guyana | Unkown |
Kazakhstan | Unkown |
Kiribati | Unkown |
Kyrgyzstan | Unkown |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Unkown |
Latvia | Unkown |
Lesotho | Unkown |
Liberia | Unkown |
Lithuania | Unkown |
Madagascar | Unkown |
Malawi | Unkown |
Malaysia | Unkown |
Mali | Unkown |
Malta | Unkown |
Marshall Islands | Unkown |
Mauritania | Unkown |
Mauritius | Unkown |
Micronesia | Unkown |
Republic of Moldova | Unkown |
Montenegro | Unkown |
Myanmar | Unkown |
Nauru | Unkown |
Niger | Unkown |
Oman | Unkown |
Palau | Unkown |
Qatar | Unkown |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Unkown |
Saint Lucia | Unkown |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Unkown |
Samoa | Unkown |
San Marino | Unkown |
Sao Tome and Principe | Unkown |
Seychelles | Unkown |
Sierra Leone | Unkown |
Singapore | Unkown |
Slovakia | Unkown |
Slovenia | Unkown |
Solomon Islands | Unkown |
South Sudan | Unkown |
Sri Lanka | Unkown |
Sudan | Unkown |
Tajikistan | Unkown |
Timor-Leste | Unkown |
Togo | Unkown |
Tonga | Unkown |
Trinidad and Tobago | Unkown |
Turkmenistan | Unkown |
Tuvalu | Unkown |
Ukraine | Unkown |
Uzbekistan | Unkown |
Vanuatu | Unkown |
Yemen | Unkown |
Zambia | Unkown |
Did I miss something? What are the stereotypes your country places on other countries?
P.S. I took as baseline the United Nations' Member State List
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Children on a Seesaw
Cláudia Roquette-Pinto's poem 'Cinco líções de inglês'. This poem (poema/ gedicht) is about a woman for whom 'children on a seesaw' are her biggest joy and fear.
Portuguese (original) - Dutch (translation):
Portuguese (original) - Dutch (translation):
Cinco líções de inglês
That summer he missed his lover — Ele puxou do bolso, com
máximo cuidado, a última carta, a qual imediatamente rasgou-
se ao longo das dobras puídas.
The letter confused her — Mesmo depois de ler e reler a carta,
ela não conseguia impedir que suas maiores expectativas e seus
piores temores —crianças numa gangorra—
se alternassem em sua mente.
She felt very sad — Ela andava, dia e noite, como se levasse no
peito a vidraça que uma pedra acabara de acertar.
He was angry — Ele batia com insistência a ponta do sapato no
rodapé, e, repentinamente, repetia entre dentes alguma frase
incompreensível, que pontuava com um soco.
She begged him to stay — Ela agarrou-se à manga de sua camisa
sem dizer palavra.
Vijf lessen Engels
That summer he missed his lover — Uiterst voorzichtig haalde hij
de laatste brief uit zijn broekzak, die onmiddellijk scheurde
langs de halfvergane vouwen
The letter confused her — Zelfs na het lezen en nog eens lezen
van de brief kon ze niet verhinderen dat haar hoogste
verwachtingen en grootste angst — kinderen op een wip —
elkaar afwisselden in haar hoofd.
She felt very sad — Ze liep dag en nacht rond alsof ze een ruit in
haar borst droeg die net was ingegooid door een steen.
He was angry — Hij tikte halsstarrig met de punt van zijn schoen
tegen de plint en herhaalde onverhoeds tussen zijn tanden een
onverstaanbare zin, waar hij met een schop een punt achter zette.
She begged him to stay — Ze klemde zich zonder een woord vast
aan de mouw van zijn hemd.
Source: Vijfentwintig keer Brazilië; Hedendaagse poëzie uit Brazilië (2011). The poem above is translated in Dutch by Harrie Lemmens.
This poem is translated in Spanish too: 'Cinco lecciones de ingles'. I couldn't find a translation in English. Will you give it a try?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Poema Simples
A litte kiss for my sweety: x
. a
Happy Valentine ;)
. a
Happy Valentine ;)
Front Door
Would you open your front door for him? Would you invite him into your life? And mind and dreams? And in the end act alike? Would you've accepted Jesus as a prophet when you would have lived 2,000 years ago? Sure?
In retrospect it's easy to "see" who the true and false prophets were in history. In retrospect! What about the todays that are not lived yet and are not frozen into history? What to do with our present-day prophets who claim they "see" the end of time? Would you open your door for him or her? And in the end act alike?
What to do with Ronald Weinland? Is he a false prophet? The end of time did not come on September 29, 2011. Less than 3 months is left to May 27, 2012. Another false prophecy? Are you sure? Do we have to worry about: Greece in/out the EURO, killing fields in Syria, democracy in Egypt, next music CD of Madonna, holiday to Spain in July or ...?
What to do during the next 3 months? If I mock Weinland and his 'Church of God, Preparing for the Kingdom of God' (COG-PKG) I'll get cursed with "terminal diseases". After May hundreds of millions will die. According to the FAQ, his church is focused on helping those who are "genuine" in their desire to "follow and obey" God. We have to repent our false beliefs and practices, obey His ways of life and keep the Sabbath holy. "Finally, all must come to understand that there is only one true baptism in life whereby one can be forgiven of all sins. There is one true baptism into God’s one true Church, just as there is only one true Almighty Eternal God. Those who want to be baptized and desire to be begotten of God’s spirit must read and follow the instruction given."
In other words, Do We Need to Get Baptized into Weinland's COG-PKG?
How to get prepared for December 20-23, 2012? NASA has since 2007 received more than 5,000 questions from the public on this subject. Some asking whether they should kill themselves, kids and pets. 400 of those questions were answered (source). Should we Build a Spaceship and Fly Away from planet Earth - trying to escape?
- Collision or near-miss with a large planetary object (Nibiru)?
- Alien invasion?
- Being destroyed by a giant supernova or super-massive black hole?
- Geomagnetic reversal?
What's my point? Of course I'm teasing you :) ... there's no scientific proof for the doomsday scenarios above. My real personal pleasure was puzzling on all those predicted end of time catastrophes. I looooooooooove puzzling. This is my point: Scientist are Prophets too. Making false and true predictions. Only in retrospect we can tell which predictions were right and wrong. Who do I have to follow? What to do next?
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Little Detail
Look at this picture (November 2008) from Alvaro Ybarra Zavala - @alvaroybarra - from a soldier in the civil conflict in Congo.
For me, at first it was just a random picture of a soldier in my newspaper. Until I realized what he is holding in his hand on the right: one hand from another human being (soldier?). Cut-off with the knife he is holding in his mouth? What horror :( My horror became even more evident and felt like a personal attack when I took a closer look at what he is holding in his hand on the left: Cut-Off Penis With Testicles! He deliberately cut off someone else's (external) genitalia. Why?
The soldier seems pretty normal to me. Rare kind of behavior in history? There is a historical parallel in Ancient Egypt. On the Narmer Palette, one of the oldest archaeological finds in Egypt, King Narmer (Old Kingdom) cut-off heads and genitalia from his enemies (source page 22). It's a find dating from the 31st century BC. 3100 + 2000 = 5100 years old! Rare in Ancient Egypt? No. "Mutilation of fallen enemies was commonplace in pharaonic Egypt. During the New Kingdom cut-off hands and genitals were dedicated to Amen-Re and their tally kept by scribes." (source)
Why? Body counting? Humiliation? Deprived of his vital body parts in this world he can never be reborn in the next? Lust for power? Souvenir? Or ...?
Please don't feel offended with this letter. I seek and want to face our human behavior. Even when it hurts.
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