Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Those ten seconds when you realize that your lover has betrayed you. For lack of a good word, hereby baptized: betrayed-seconds. This is valid for ordinary people - like you and me - but also for superstars. Under the veneer of fame, superstars are of course also lovers too with all the ups and downs, sweet and sour of love.

Superstar Kate Bush wrote the song 'The Man with the Child in His Eyes' when she was 13 for her first boyfriend: 19 year old Steve Blacknell. (The song was recorded when Kate was 16.). A picture of Kate and Steve together:

Kate spoke about the song's background in a 1978 promo interview (source): "The inspiration for was really just a particular thing that happened when I went to the piano. The piano just started speaking to me. It was a theory that I had had for a while that I just observed in most of the men that I know: the fact that they just are little boys inside and how wonderful it is that they manage to retain this magic. I, myself, am attracted to older men, I guess, but I think that's the same with every female. I think it's a very natural, basic instinct that you look continually for your father for the rest of your life, as do men continually look for their mother in the women that they meet. I don't think we're all aware of it, but I think it is basically true. You look for that security that the opposite sex in your parenthood gave you as a child."

In 2010, Steve offered the original handwritten lyrics for 'The Man With the Child in His Eyes' for sale. Claiming that Kate was his first true love and that she wrote it for him. To this day Kate has never publicly commented on her first boyfriend's action.

Those betrayed-seconds that Kate realized that Steve had betrayed her and made public what was meant for her-and-him (say: us) only. Those betrayed-seconds when she realized that money has become more important than love for Steve too. What happened to the child in his eyes? Those betrayed-seconds when she realized that his words of "you're my true love, I am yours and I'll never hurt you" were a lie in retrospect. It must have hurt her a lot. 

P.S. Source picture: here. Source lyrics: here

P.P.S. I know that I am an uber-Romantic. I believe in being courteous in love. Some things are 'not done', no matter how angry or disappointed you are. Some things are private and can't be bought. Some things are for us and us only.

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