Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Decalogo Del Perfetto

Did you ever write down your own list of 10 commandments? I never did and I guess I didn't because I feel I don't really need them (read: vanity).

Here the commandments of the bible (source), the mafia (source: Italian and English), and the paratroopers (source: German and English). As you can read all three are different. 

My summary of the commandments:

  • Bible: honor god, sabbath, parents, life, relations, property of others, and truth.
  • Mafia: honor our friends ('cosa nostra'), our wives, duty, appointments, and truth.
  • Paratroopers: seek combat, comrades, acting, offensive, munition, good weapons, grasping an operation, being agile, and though.


  • What strikes me is that the commandments of the bible and the mafia exhale the same atmosphere. To honor god or our friends and make sure that no bottleneck pops up and prevent "us" to honor. 
  • The paratroopers' commandments are at another level. They limit themselves to the battlefield or preparing for it. For them battlefield behavior is key.
  • English version of the paratroopers is slightly different from the German original. English 1 = German 1, 3 and 2;  2 = 4; 3 = 5; 4 = 6; 5 = 7 ; 6 = not in German; 7 = 8; 8 = first part of 9; 9 = second part of 9; 10 = 10. Why did the Allied forces in 1942 feel the need to add: "Never surrender. Your honor lies in Victory or Death"? That's not a commandment that appears in the German original. Did that make the Germans look more dumb; like a headless chicken? Did that promote the fighting spirit of the Allies? Was someone playing a psychological game? And did it work?

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