Friday, May 17, 2019

By The Way

How does reading work for you?

I read in the morning for 2 hours if I can and in bed for 1 to 2 hours in the evening. What I read continually changes. My reading list on Monday is not the same by the time I get to Friday. Mostly I read five books at the same time. I can "read" a book for years and finish it after three years. I always finish a book I started reading. Always! Even if it's a bore and not interesting. Why? Because I don't want to get tricked by my self-made presuppositions.

Once again, the strange thing is my to-do reading list changes every week. Better still, every day. Mostly because of what I actually read in another book. Sometimes a smell, a taste, a picture, wind in my face that brings back memories and that makes me wonder "How?", "What?", "When?", "Why?" and another book is "needed" to answer my questions. Another book on top of my to-do reading pile of physical books.

By the way, I think in the present song lyrics have taken over the meaning for "mainstream" cultural life what poems did between the 17th century and the Second World War. Meaning as in: feel alive, feel connected, touching the senses, cause dreams, repeat and ... - there must be more.


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