Tuesday, September 14, 2021


  • For Thales everything is Water.
  • For Anaximenes everything is Air.
  • For Empedocles everything is Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.
  • For Parmenides everything is One and nothing can change.
  • For Heracleitos everything is Fire and in change.
  • For Plato in the real world everything is unmoveable and immortal & in our world everything is in change and mortal.
  • For Epicurus everything is composed of Atoms (= indivisible units of matter).
  • For du Châtelet the Total Energy remains Constant in the universe. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed;  it can only be transformed from one form to another.

And for Umberto Eco? Everything important in life is Love. What is Eco's definition of "Love"? If everything is Love, what about evil? How to explain genocide (or theodicy in general)? Is evil not-important? Is evil never love? Just don't pay attention to evil?

And for me? I love myself, my kids, you and the "groups" I belong to. Out of protection of all the aforesaid I could kill. (Killing as the ultimate step in a palette of possible actions to turn the "world" to "my" desired state of affairs.) Out of love? That's not the first word that comes to my mind. For me it is out of: to fit in or to adjust. 

1 comment:

  1. I think evil is the other side of our personalty, like "+" and "-", black and white. We all feeling love and we all have this "evil face", which is usually well hidden inside us. If we can find some "barometr" for our conscience, we can balance both these sides more or less. It is like black but existing invisible materia that holds Universe togather. By discovering this balck materia, scientists understood how stars, galaxies and whole Universe could be so organized. It explains me - without "-" we can not know "+", without darkness we do not know what is light. But, question is, what should happen in humans brain to choose only "-"? What is the reason? Why "+"energy transformed to"-"? May it happen in other direction?
