Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Devourer of All Things

What did Helen of Troy see in the mirror when she was old? Ovidius (Metamorphoses, XV, 233): "[A]nd Helen weeps, when in the glass she sees her wrinkled face, and wonders why two heroes fell in love and carried her away. — O Time, devourer of all things."

Was it a coincidence that Homer was blind? Is there a relation of his blindness and the fact that the divine name of God (YHWH) of Judaism was regarded as too sacred to be uttered? Is there a relation of his blindness and a couple of blind men in the New Testament of Christianity? Is there a relation of his blindness and the fact that in Islam it's prohibited to make a visual representation of the prophet Muhammad?

What is "wrong" with the sense organ 'eyes' of the species 'homo sapiens' - and when was this born? Too enchanting? Too blinding? Too much distraction? Do they hold off from what really matters or from the truth? What does really matter? What is the truth? Do they exist in plural?

P.S. Source quote: here. Picture 'Elena' (1814) is from Pelagio Palagi: here.

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